Lackner Ridge
Construction Updates
Need Assistance? Don’t hesitate to reach out, we are here to help!
Christina Palumbo
Customer Experience Concierge
519-658-6656 Ext. 225
update: November, 2023
We have been landscaping the exterior of Lackner Ridge buildings 1101 and 1201. The third building at 1000 Lackner Blvd. is underway, and we are gearing up to start construction on the fourth and fifth buildings.

update: July, 2023
Congratulations to our homeowners at Cityview (Building 1201) and Sonterra (Building 1101), as we have handed out all keys and are in the midst of final closings for both buildings. We are making great progress at Westvale (Building 1000), the concrete walls in the underground parking garage are now complete and the first floor masonry walls are underway.

update: April, 2023
We’ve welcomed the first occupants of building 1201 and preparing to hand out keys for building 1101 in the coming months. Building 1000 is progressing well, we now have over half the footings poured and a quarter of the foundation walls have been placed.

update: January, 2023
Construction continues to progress at Lackner Ridge. Cityview, building 1201 continues to be the furthest along in progress with a lot of work and finishing occurring on the interior. Sonterra, building 1101 now has more stonework progressing and we have now begun work on Westvale, building 1000 with site grading underway.Work continues to progress at Lackner Ridge! Cityview (Building 1201) is furthest along in progress with exterior finishes almost done and installment of the balcony railings in progress. Sonterra (Building 1101) continues to progress as well with brick and stone work underway.

update: November, 2022
Work continues to progress at Lackner Ridge! Cityview (Building 1201) is furthest along in progress with exterior finishes almost done and installment of the balcony railings in progress. Sonterra (Building 1101) continues to progress as well with brick and stone work underway.

update: July 2022
Construction continues to progress at Lackner Ridge. We have started interior framing on building 1101, Sonterra, and work is continuing on the exterior of building 1201, Cityview.

update: May, 2022
Construction is progressing at Lackner Ridge and we’re happy to share that the roof is now on for Building 1201, Cityview. Construction is also progressing well at Building 1101, Sonterra.

update: March, 2022
We are excited to share that construction of the Cityview (Building 1201) has reached the fourth and final floor! Construction is also progressing nicely at our Sonterra (Building 1101) where construction on the 3rd floor will be starting shortly.

update: January, 2022
Lots of progress has been made at Lackner Ridge!
Cityview (1201) is on the 3rd floor and Sonterra (1101) is not far behind as it is on the 1st floor.

update: November, 2021
Construction is progressing at Lackner Ridge! Here are some recent photos of the progress.

update: October, 2021
Some more great aerial shots of the progress at Lackner Ridge.

update: August, 2021
Construction is moving forward at Lackner Ridge. The foundation is almost complete at Cityview and our construction team is also getting ready to start the foundation at Sonterra.
Decor Appointments…
We just wanted to remind you that appointments will be starting in the fall of 2021. You will be contacted by a member for our decor team to set up a time that works best for you.
Lackner Ridge continues to be a popular community. As previously mentioned, we are sold out of all of our units at Cityview and Sonterra and are now sold out of all of the units at Westvale. If you have any friends or family members that would still like to join you at Lackner Ridge, they haven’t missed out yet. We will be releasing Wynstone and Hillcrest for sale in the fall of 2021.
Whether you are going to be living at Lackner Ridge or renting out your suite, there are so many places in Kitchener-Waterloo to explore. Click here to see everything that this great community has to offer.

update: July, 2021
We are pleased to announce that we have started construction on Cityview, building 1201!
This is just the beginning of what is to come in this amazing community.
We are also now sold out of all units at Cityview and Sonterra and on our way to being sold out at Westvale!

update: February 2021
Welcome to 2021! We know that this is going to be a very busy year at Lackner Ridge. We are very excited that you have chosen to be a part of the Lackner Ridge Family. We’re very excited to start construction at Lackner Ridge. At this time, we are expecting to start construction on Cityview and Sonterra in 2021. Keep an eye out for updated pictures throughout the construction process.