What Should You Include in Your Home Emergency Kit?

While wintertime brings us the opportunity for many enjoyable outdoor activities, Canadian winters can be unpredictable. We recommend keeping a well-stocked emergency kit in your home to prepare you and your family for an emergency. This will also make it easier to find your essentials during a power outage. Below is a list of our recommended items to keep in your emergency kit.

  1. Flashlights
  2. Batteries
  3. Candles, matches and lighter
  4. Blankets and sleeping bags – It’s recommended to have at least one per person in your household.
  5. Basic tools – hammer, scissors, screwdriver, pocket knife, pliers. Having these items in your emergency kit will make them easier to locate and prevent you from having to move around your home during an emergency.
  6. First Aid kit – make sure it is well stocked and handy for any emergencies that may take place.
  7. Battery-powered-radio – this will help keep you informed on any power outages or emergencies.
  8. Bottled water – the recommendation is 1L of water per person in your household.
  9. Food – protein or granola bars are a good idea to have on hand and anything else that’s easy to open and non-perishable.
  10. Manual can opener – to aid in opening any canned food you may have stored.
  11. Hand sanitizer and basic toiletries - toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and toilet paper. 
  12. Medications – it’s wise to keep a surplus of any required medications, especially for life-dependent medications.
  13. Safety Whistle
  14. A list of emergency response contacts – this is especially helpful for children who may be at home alone, having a list in front of them so that they know who to call in an emergency will help them navigate any situations more efficiently.
  15. Extra cash – extra cash will come in handy in case of a significant power outage or if you are having trouble locating your wallet.

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